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ADHD rating scale

ADHD Rating Scale


As a child I am/was (or have/had):

1. Concentration problems, easily distracted. *
2. Anxious, worrying. *
3. Nervous, fidgety. *
4. Inattentive, daydreaming. *
5. Hot or short tempered, low boiling point. *
6. Temper outbursts, tantrums. *
7. Trouble with stick-to-it-tiveness, not following through, failing to finish things started. *
8. Stubborn, strong-willed. *
9. Sad or blue, depressed, unhappy. *
10. Disobedient with parents, rebellious, sassy. *
11. Low opinion of myself. *
12. Irritable. *
13. Moody, ups and downs. *
14. Angry. *
15. Acting without thinking, impulsive. *
16. Tendency to be immature. *
17. Guilty feelings, regretful. *
18. Losing control of myself. *
19. Tendency to be or act irrational. *
20. Unpopular with other children, didn’t keep friends for long, didn’t get along with other children. *
21. Trouble seeing things from someone else’s point of view. *
22. Trouble with authorities, trouble with school, visits to principal’s office. *

As a child in school I am/was (or have/had):

23. Overall a poor student, slow learner. *
24. Trouble with mathematics or numbers. *
25. Now achieving up to potential. *