The Freedom of Information Act (2000) obliges general practices to respond to requests for information held by them. The rights of the public to access this information are subject to some exemptions which have to be taken into consideration before deciding what information can be released. Under the Data Protection Act (2018) patients are also entitled to access their clinical records and should write to Matthew Catley, practice manager, Old Catton Medical Practice, 55 Lodge Lane, Old Catton, Norwich, Norfolk, NR6 7HQ. All requests for information must be responded to within 20 working days.
Much of the information available is free of charge and already on this website. In some cases there will be charges made to cover the cost of copying, printing, postage and administrative costs. The current rate of photocopying and or/printing is 30 pence per sheet and the administrative charge is set at £10.00. These charges will be reviewed regularly.
The practice is not obliged to comply with vexatious requests or repeated or substantially similar requests from the same person other than at reasonable intervals. There are also exemptions covering personal data, security, and formulation of government policy, commercial and individual confidentiality. A further absolute exemption is where information is accessible by other means or if the information has been provided in confidence. Other exemptions include information relating to commercial interests and audit functions. Information covered by this scheme is only about the primary, general or personal medical services we provide under contract to the NHS.