- Use and experience of the NHS App among people 16-30 (Survey) - New29/01/2025Healthwatch Norfolk is the independent voice for patients and service users in the county. We gather people’s views of health and social care services in Norfolk and make sure they are heard by the people in charge. The NHS App is a free digit...
- Afternoon closure - New22/01/202522/01/2024 - Please be aware that the practice will be closed from 1pm this afternoon, and will reopen at 8am tomorrow morning.
- Working Well Norfolk24/10/2024
- Autumn Newsletter 202430/09/2024
- Practice Newsletter - Summer 202428/06/2024
- Did Not Attend - Important Information10/06/2024
- National action plan to tackle antimicrobial resistance launched08/05/2024
- Diabetic Eye Screening Programme20/03/2024
- Patient Feedback12/03/2024
- Referral Wait Times Update10/07/2023
- Group A streptococcus (GAS) and Scarlet Fever08/12/2022
- Patient Update - Technical Issues22/06/2022
- Digital Health Hub21/07/2021
- Protected Learning Time Closure21/07/2022
- Your views on moving from Children’s to Adult’s Health and Care Services13/10/2022
- Protected Learning Time for 202218/10/2021
- Visiting the Surgery31/03/2022
- How are you staying healthy?15/03/2022
- Locally Commissioned Services Review11/03/2022
- Welcome To Our New Salaried GP17/09/2021
- Temporary Changes to Fit Note Requests (commonly known as “sick note”) until 26th January 202220/12/2021
- Changes to our services during the booster programme15/12/2021
- Information for patients re: Eligibility for Covid Booster Vaccinations following National Announcements01/12/2021
- MAN v FAT Football10/11/2021
- Covid Third dose Booster29/09/2021
- National shortage of test tubes for Blood Tests02/09/2021
- Treat Our Staff With Respect21/07/2021
- Patient Update Regarding Face Masks: 19th July 2021 Onwards16/07/2021
- Advice and Guidance for Health and Wellbeing - Social Prescribing09/07/2021
- Using your Health Data for Planning and Research09/06/2021
- Update Regarding our INRstar Anticoagulation Management System24/05/2021
- Have you had any medical appointments relating to cancer in the last year?15/04/2021
- AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine side effects09/04/2021
- How to find your NHS Number27/01/2021
- COVID-19 Vaccination Programme Letter for Patients Aged 50+10/02/2021
- Important Information for Patients15/01/2021
- Holding script: Primary Care 04.12.20 for use on websites and general enquiries04/12/2020
- Flu Vaccinations - 50 - 64 Year Old26/11/2020
- Important Information for Patients26/11/2020
- Vitamin D reports in the Media for Covid-1909/11/2020
- Important COVID-19 Information13/10/2020
- Important Information for Patients03/09/2020
- Road Closure - Lodge Lane, Old Catton For Road Resurfacing18/08/2020
- Guidance Note for Patients Requesting Exemption Letters Regarding Face Masks24/07/2020
- Staff Training Closure14/07/2020
- Update on COVID-1902/05/2020
- Walk in Centre02/04/2020
- Primary Care Network02/12/2019
- Changes Commencing in June 201902/06/2019
- Improved Access Service15/08/2018
- One Pharmacy26/02/2018
- Active Signposting02/02/2018
- Hay Fever02/04/2020
- New Patients30/03/2020