All of the staff here at Old Catton Medical Practice are dedicated in trying to help patients needing medical assistance and deal with the huge demand for our services. By having a number of systems and procedures in place, we try very hard to get things right for our patients but from time to time, unfortunately we fail.
When we do fail to meet expectations, feedback from patients is helpful so that we can try to correct problems and try to avoid making mistakes in the future. Positive feedback is also helpful in making sure policies and procedures are current and relevant, plus it’s always nice for the staff to know when they’ve done a good job.
Giving feedback
To provide feedback:
- fill out a feedback form
- take part in the Friends and Family Test
- leave a review on the NHS website
- phone us on 01603 415519
All feedback will be dealt with by a member of the management team at the practice.
The practice has a Friends and Family Test questionnaire that can be completed online or collected from reception at the practice. Additionally, Healthwatch Norfolk are pleased to receive both good and bad feedback about treatment and care.
Patients can be assured that any feedback in the form of a complaint is kept confidential and will only be dealt with by the necessary members of the complaints team. We like to work cooperatively with our patients so we will offer the chance to discuss the complaint and for the patient to be involved with creating a ‘complaints plan’. This will provide details on how they feel the complaint should be dealt with and allows us to mutually agree on a timescale for a response to be provided.
In the first instance, please contact Victoria Whalley our reception team manager who is empowered to quickly solve the vast majority of patient issues. If you are unhappy with the outcome, or if you are unsure who to complain to, please contact Matthew Catley, our practice manager. Please use our online feedback form.
Alternatively, you can write to us at:
Postal address
Old Catton Medical Practice
55 Lodge Lane
Old Catton
01603 415519
NHS England
If you would prefer that the practice does not deal with your complaint, patient queries and complaints should be addressed to the Customer Contact Centre at:
Postal address
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
0300 3112233
They will get our local area team’s input in trying to resolve problems.
Norfolk Healthwatch helps patients get assistance and direction to local services. Christine Macdonald from Norfolk Healthwatch can be contacted on 01603 813904 or
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
As a last resort there is the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman whom investigate complaints that individuals have been treated unfairly or have received poor service from the NHS in England. Their phone number is 0345 015 4033 or textphone (minicom) 0300 0614298.